Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Undiscovered Treasure

I spent a fair amount of time knitting while on some mode of transportation this weekend:  Train, subway, city bus, on foot (love to knit while walking although in NYC it can be extremely challenging) and I've come to the conclusion that I must daydream far more than I realize.  According to my crude calculations, I should have been able to complete the sleeves, the body, sew the seams, peruse Ravelry for a new mitts project, wind a skein from my suitcase and get a cuff started, all before pulling into Penn Station.  As you can see, I made progress but barely.  But I did find this, which I'm going to use with this (we have 3 skeins left in the store btw).  I'd say that made for a productive train ride.  What can I say about Nancy's sweater other than she's just fast, fast, fast.  Oh, and about that undiscovered treasure.  Whilst straightening the yarn in the shop today I found a leftover egg from our sale; and a decent percentage off I might add.  I'm leaving it where I found it, in the Swan Island Worsted.  Whomever happens upon it first, you can have that percentage off your yarn purchase.  --Ann
Nancy's progress after one afternoon (I'm sure), mine, after days of opportunity.

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