Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Copycat, Yes, But Can You Blame Me ??

Nancy and Ann: Neck and Neck

  It wasn't quite closing time last week when I finished writing about Nancy's sweater, so I moseyed over to the Tosh DK and thought, "Hmm, I only have five projects going right now and not one of them is a striped baby sweater.  I think I HAVE to knit one of these."
   After ten minutes of indecisiveness (easy to be that way when it comes to Tosh), I chose Mansfield Garden Party and Jade.  And oh oh oh, ah ah ah, I love the combination knitted up.  Together they remind me of a Monet painting, of spring, of my sister's wildflower garden.
   We'll keep both sweaters-in-progress in the shop.  Stop in one of these upcoming warm-weather days and you can see for yourself how pretty they are.  And maybe chose a pairing for yourself.

 -- Ann

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