Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Undiscovered Treasure

I spent a fair amount of time knitting while on some mode of transportation this weekend:  Train, subway, city bus, on foot (love to knit while walking although in NYC it can be extremely challenging) and I've come to the conclusion that I must daydream far more than I realize.  According to my crude calculations, I should have been able to complete the sleeves, the body, sew the seams, peruse Ravelry for a new mitts project, wind a skein from my suitcase and get a cuff started, all before pulling into Penn Station.  As you can see, I made progress but barely.  But I did find this, which I'm going to use with this (we have 3 skeins left in the store btw).  I'd say that made for a productive train ride.  What can I say about Nancy's sweater other than she's just fast, fast, fast.  Oh, and about that undiscovered treasure.  Whilst straightening the yarn in the shop today I found a leftover egg from our sale; and a decent percentage off I might add.  I'm leaving it where I found it, in the Swan Island Worsted.  Whomever happens upon it first, you can have that percentage off your yarn purchase.  --Ann
Nancy's progress after one afternoon (I'm sure), mine, after days of opportunity.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Our events committee is on the move!

I think I'm not alone when I say I love yarn and all aspects of it, from sheep-to-shawl as they say:  Looking at it, touching it, talking about it, reading about it;  visiting and exploring shops, farms, festivals;  and last but not least, going to sit and stitch meet-ups, retreats and events.  So I got pretty pumped yesterday as I listened to our events committee members discussing so many exciting ideas that they weren't sure how to fit them all into this calendar year.  Here are some Save-the-Dates:  May 2nd, First Fridays,  May 4th, Spin-In,  May 10th, Cascade Yarn Tasting (this is a biggie),  June 1st, Wool Day (this, too, is a biggie),  July 19th - 26th, Christmas in July.  We'll be posting all the details shortly on our website, Facebook, emails and newsletter.
Update on the Great Sweater Race - I'm so losing.  Nancy's on the second sleeve already.  I'm barely a couple of rows in on the first one.  But I'm looking at a five hour train ride tomorrow so surely....


Saturday, April 12, 2014

Sunday's Suggestion

.... this pattern, Eyelet Shawl by Hoxton Handmade (a free Ravelry download) and Malabrigo Rios, which happens to be on sale this week!  
I wasn't looking for such a pairing but my knitting bud text-ed me this morning with her nearly-finished shawl done in Rios Lavanda.  It's just gorgeous and seems like it would be the perfect weight to keep the spring cool breezes off my shoulders.  I've never been real successful with lace shawls but those in the know insist this one is easy-peasy.  I've added it to my queue.   --Ann


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Copycat, Yes, But Can You Blame Me ??

Nancy and Ann: Neck and Neck

  It wasn't quite closing time last week when I finished writing about Nancy's sweater, so I moseyed over to the Tosh DK and thought, "Hmm, I only have five projects going right now and not one of them is a striped baby sweater.  I think I HAVE to knit one of these."
   After ten minutes of indecisiveness (easy to be that way when it comes to Tosh), I chose Mansfield Garden Party and Jade.  And oh oh oh, ah ah ah, I love the combination knitted up.  Together they remind me of a Monet painting, of spring, of my sister's wildflower garden.
   We'll keep both sweaters-in-progress in the shop.  Stop in one of these upcoming warm-weather days and you can see for yourself how pretty they are.  And maybe chose a pairing for yourself.

 -- Ann

Saturday, April 5, 2014

What Should I Knit?

                                                                         Tosh DK

Sue and I LOVE it when Nancy asks “What do you want me to knit for the shop?”.
So when Nancy asked just that the other day, she and I started looking at all the possibilities. We have a great selection of superwash yarns and decided on the irresistible Tosh DK (twist our arms) combined with the sweetest Yankee Knitter striped baby sweater pattern.  

We picked out Magnolia Leaf and Alabaster, a safe but gorgeous color choice when knitting for babies not yet here.  Here's the beginning snapshot with more to come as time goes by - can’t wait to see how this knits up!  If you are looking for a baby gift sure to please, let us recommend this project.  The pattern is a top-down raglan style with minimal seaming and we have many beautiful colors of Tosh DK in stock. 

Here’s another find we’re excited about. Alpaca Core Spun to knit or weave a rug. It makes getting out of bed on these cold mornings a pleasure. And yes, you really do say AHHH when you step on it. It knits up in an evening on size 17-19 needles and felts nicely. It is well worth the price tag when you realize you have a rug for life and then some.   -- Ann